Special Packs Available This Week In DOFUS Touch Shop

dofustouch-kamas Date: Feb/24/17 13:48:20 Views: 2129

This week's shop updates are coming! As usual, these items we list below are available from Feb. 23 to Mar. 2. This week, the Tormentor Pack are on sale with 10% discount! All Tormentors are included in the pack.



Let's see what items are available this whole week:



• Tofrazzle

• Pink Dragoone

• Tarzantula

• Jellufo

• Grauler

• Mischievous Squirrel

• Fosfor

• Gobtubby

• Croum


Mounts and Petsmounts

• Boarhog

• Khamelerost Dragoturkey



• Lemon

• Percimol

• Cicada

• Pinokio

• Thunderset (-30%)

• Goldobrak

• Chisp

• Iopset

• Poppinz

• Prisoner

• Grillian

• Gadjet



• Bitter

• Almond

• Caramel

• Coco

• Orange

• Api

• Prune

• Vanilla


Special Packs

• Start your adventure with the right gear, the Novice Pack.

• The Ninja Pack snuck into the Shop, and is available once more.


Special Offers



• Parasymbic set



• Eider



• Razorbuck


Emote Scroll

• Reckless


Take your time once you need special packs, otherwise, they will be removed from the Shop after March 2rd.