Join The King Allister's Fleaster Hunt For Fleaster Rewards

dofustouch-kamas Date: Apr/11/17 14:23:34 Views: 1947

To celebrate Fleaster day, DOFUS Touch launches a ton of Fleaster-theme activities which contains caption contest, scratchcard game and even a dangerous hunting mission.



The event last a week and there are many new items and rewards available once you complete the missions:


 •  Monday, 10 April: a caption contest.

 •  Thursday, 13 April: an age old question that needs to be concluded, hosted by the Meridia of Eggs in Facebook.

 •  A special Fleaster pack, available in the Shop from Thursday, 13 April to Thursday, 20 April. Visit our Twitter page to find out how to win one!

 •  Friday, 14 April: a Color Me contest involving a Dofus egg.

 •  A scratchcard game with exclusive Fleaster items to be won, from Friday, 14 April 10:00 AM CEST to Sunday, 16 April.

 •  King Allister's Fleaster Hunt, from Saturday, 15 April till Sunday, 16 April and unlock the event's reward: a bonus XP & drop weekend.

 •  Sunday, 16 April: a pet battle you wouldn't want to miss!


Log into your devices and have a good time in duration of the event.