DOFUS Touch Weekly Shop Update (5/4)

dofustouch-kamas Date: May/06/17 09:12:59 Views: 2220

The Mimisymbics are still available in the DOFUS Touch Shop. As usual, you can get Mimisymbics for 5,000 Goultines per piece or 15,000 Goultines for a pack of 4 pieces. 


This week, all Shop pets are available for you to mix and match with Mimisymbics. 





 • Tubskito

 • Smush

 • Tofrazzle

 • Angora Bow Meow

 • Pink Dragoone

 • Black Dragoone

 • Golden Dragoone

 • Tarzantula

 • Jellufo

 • Grauler

 • Mischievous Squirrel

 • Fosfor

 • Pandawa Cub

 • Plump Tofurby

 • Sting

 • Gobtubby

 • The Godfather's Gobtubby

 • Moowitty

 • Croum

 • Rushu's Shushu

 • Toucantankerous

 • Bulbutting

 • Borbat

 • Vampyrina

 • Tofume


Mounts and Petsmounts


 • Razorbuck

 • Boarhog

 • Khamelerost Dragoturkey




 • King Pong

 • Cicada

 • Ugo

 • Slait

 • Pinokio

 • Noke

 • Pony

 • Megaman

 • Prisoner




 • Bitter

 • Almond

 • Caramel

 • Coco

 • Orange

 • Melon

 • Api

 • Prune

 • Vanilla

 • Mirabelle Plum


There are almost no changes in this week's special packs, the Mimisymbic Pack and Cosmetic Pack, the Charlie Chaplin Pack, the Novice Pack, the Ninja Pack, the Tormentor Pack, the Shigekax Pack (Bitter, Caramel, Orange, Pear and Api).


Special Offers This Weekend




 • Reckless

 • Write


Mimisymbics will be possible to use on all types of equipment along with pets and mounts. It's time to mix and match using Mimisymbics!