DOFUS Touch: Weekly Shop Update (4/6)

dofustouch-kamas Date: Apr/07/17 09:40:25 Views: 2025

Now, we'll show you what's new in this week's shop updates in the article. This week's featured sale adds the Charlie Chaplin's Pack along with Charlie's set, Boh-Bihn shield into DOFUS Touch Shop.



Let's see what items available for the whole week:




• Tofrazzle

• Pink Dragoone

• Tarzantula

• Jellufo

• Grauler

• Mischievous Squirrel

• Fosfor

• Plump Tofurby

• Sting

• Gobtubby

• Croum

• Rushu's Shushu


Mounts and Petsmounts


• Boarhog

• Khamelerost Dragoturkey




• Livitinem Set




• Tetra

• Lemon

• Percimol

• Cicada

• Pinokio

• Noke

• Pony

• Thunderset

• Goldobrak

• Chisp

• Iopset

• Poppinz

• Eider

• Prisoner

• Grillian

• Gadjet




• Bitter

• Almond

• Caramel

• Coco

• Orange

• Melon

• Api

• Prune

• Vanilla

• Mirabelle Plum


As this week's rotation of items offered in the Shop has been done, the special packs which consists of the Novice Pack, the Tormentor Pack, the Ninja Pack and the Shigekax Pack (Bitter, Caramel, Orange, Pear and Api) appears again.


Weekly Special Offer Updates




• The Godfather's Gobtubby

• Toucantankerous




• Razorbuck




• Reckless


So, choose what you need in DOFUS Touch Shop now since some items are only available for a weekend.