DOFUS Touch Weekly Shop Update (4/20)

dofustouch-kamas Date: Apr/24/17 13:27:29 Views: 2681

Weekly update comes again in the shop of DOFUS Touch! The surprise for this week is additional Goultines! DOFUS Touch provides 20% more Goultines that will be needed in future Mimisymbics. Just get it in Goultine Packs!







   Pink Dragoone




   Mischievous Squirrel





Mounts and Petsmounts



   Khamelerost Dragoturkey





   King Pong





















   Mirabelle Plum


As usual, the special packs that available for the whole week consists of the Novice Pack, the Ninja Pack, the Tormentor Pack and the Shigekax Pack (Bitter, Caramel, Orange, Pear and Api).


Special Offers Available This Weekend




   Pandawa Cub






For more of updates in DOFUS Touch shop, keep it here on DofusTouch-Kamas.