Defend A City During The War Of The Cities In DOFUS Touch

dofustouch-kamas Date: Sep/12/17 09:33:41 Views: 2554

The next Brakmar – Bonta war is brewing, which city will you defend?



There is a terrible event in the festival that honoring lost heroes and conquests yet to come. From September 12th to September 19th, you can choose to be tasked with taking either Brakmar or Bonta by storm and unlock various rewards in some maps which have suffered the ravages of war. Each city will have to get ready to simultaneously attack the enemy and defend its own positions!


You may meet groups of militiamen and warriors in and around each city. Be careful, they will aggressively attack any player of the opposing alignment who crosses their path. In order to beat the bosses, transform to an angel with an alignment to kill the Brakmarian boss that in the right of the Brakmarian Militia Merchant at [-25,36], and being a demon to kill the Bontarian boss that in front of the King's Palace at [-35,-61].


Remember that you can join groups of militiamen, warriors or bosses when you are in alignment battles. There is an icon will make you in. Whatever, after completing the event with activated alignment wings, the prizes appear.



As you know, the event is live during the launch of new DOFUS Touch rewards system, you will be rewarded by three types chest:


Small chest: Brakarina pet for demons, Bontick pet for angels

Medium chest: exclusive "Atten-hut!" emote

Large chest: exclusive "Protector of the Dark City" title for demons, "Protector of the White City" for angels


You will be able to open these chests in Chests for Brakmarians: [-26, 35] or Chests for Bontarians: [-33, -56] from September 19 to October 3. However, you must obtain at least 20 Warrants for warriors or militiamen of level 20 to 40 if you want to open Small chest, obtain at least 100 Priority Warrants for warriors or militiamen of level 60 to 100 for Medium chest and defeat the boss of the opposing city at least once and collect his ring to unlock Large chest, as well.


Have you decided the city you want to go? Go for it!